How to enroll to Tricare Prime Overseas:

Option a): During Area Orientation at the base theater.

Option b): At the TRICARE Enrollment Office at USNH Naples (office 1310, ground floor).  Phone number:  +39 081 811 6330 (DSN 629-6330)
*In both cases a copy of orders is needed to be provided to the representative*
Option c): Via  
                  - Go to ‘Beneficiaries
                  - Go to ‘Beneficiary forms’
                  - Scroll Down and click to download ‘TRICARE Overseas Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment & PCM Change Form (DD Form 2876)' (cannot be used for PCM change when doing this online)
                  - Click to download ‘Consent for Release of Medical Information Form (ROMIF)’ (please fill out one for each member of the family)
                  - Submit the forms AND copy of your orders via email:
Option d): Call TRICARE Eurasia-Africa    +44-20-8762-8384 or +1-877-678-1207
                    and the representative will lead you through the process
Option e): Go to MilConnect (
                   - Click on “Manage Health Benefits” tab
                   - Pick appropriate option (Start Medical Enrollment OR Start Plan Change)
 How to change your PCM:
Option a): In the TRICARE Enrollment Office at USNH Naples (office 1310, ground floor).  Phone number:  +39 081 811 6330 (DSN 629-6330)
Option b): The PCM can also be changed via MilConnect
- Once logged in, click on "View Primary Care Manager (PCM)" tab
- This will bring you to Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE) page
- Once there, make sure your ‘Contact Info’ (there is a tab) is up to date to reflect your overseas address
- Then click on Medical Enrollments tab where you can click "Change PCM" button
- You can make change for dependents as well
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!