About Us

Command Sponsorship

Buon Giorno!

On behalf of the commanding officer and the Human Resources Department of U. S. Naval Hospital Naples, Italy, we’d like to welcome you to the finest overseas military treatment facility! You should be very excited and proud to be part of such a terrific team of professionals, providing world class health care to our beneficiaries. You’re very important to us, and as such, our commitment is to ensure you have a smooth transition to our command as part of the rewards of serving our country overseas.

The Command Sponsors Program Mission Statement is:

“To maximize readiness of our new arrivals and their families by being sympathetic and attentive to their needs, by providing personalized services and professional administrative support.”
We’re standing by to help with your transition to USNH Naples; a command-assigned sponsor will be appointed to assist. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about relocating to Naples, or sponsorship assignments.

Other Information

Check-in Process: Upon arrival, your sponsor will pick you up from the AMC terminal or Naples International Airport.

Ensure you have the following items readily available when you land:

  • Stamped orders
  • Flight itineraries (you and all dependents)
  • Page 2
  • Any other receipts

Contact the Sponsorship Coordinator if you don’t have a sponsor assigned before arrival. 

All unaccompanied service members in pay grades E-1 to E-4 will be assigned to government quarters. Service members in pay grades E-5 and above have the option to live on the economy.

All Government Quarters (military housing) allow a maximum of two pets (dogs and/or cats). Pets must be registered with the Veterinary Clinic, located on Naval Support Activity Naples. Exotic pets, such as snakes, lizards, and spiders, are prohibited. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Child care availability is limited. Demand currently exceeds available spaces and there can be an extensive waiting list. Please work with your sponsor to initiate child care arrangements immediately upon receiving your PCS orders, so that you’ll have plenty of time to move up the waiting list, if necessary, before arrival.

Additional area information is found on the Naval Support Activity Naples website.  

Contact Us


DSN 629-6378/6794
Communications Center
DSN 629-6155
Commercial 011-39-081-811-6155
Email Command Sponsorship  
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!