Health Services


Description of Services
  • Routine Eye Exams
  • Children & Infant Eye-Care
  • Contact Lens Services
  • Ordering Glasses and Gas Mask Inserts
  • Vision Screening For Drivers License Renewal
  • Glasses ordering: Walk-in basis during normal clinic hours (0800-1600)
  • Vision Screening For Drivers License Renewal: Walk-in basis during normal clinic hours (0800-1600)
Availability of Services

Contact Lenses are provided for active duty service members in aviation, submarine, and special operations communities. Contact lenses can be updated for all active duty and depependents provided that they are currently wearing contact lenses and have the contacts and the contact lens prescription with them at the time of their appointment.

Glasses are issued to active duty service members only.

Other Information:

Please bring all optical devices with you to your appointment, including contact lenses, prescription glasses, and any over the counter reading glasses you may be using.

Comprehensive eye exams often require for your eyes to be dilated with medication that results in sensitivity to light and blurred vision for 4-6 hours. You may not be comfortable driving during this time and should make appropriate plans for transportation.

If you are covered by an insurance carrier other than Tricare, please check with the billing department to see if routine vision services are covered by your insurance plan prior to making an appointment.


Contact Us



US Naval Hospital, Naples, 2nd Floor

Clinic Hours:

Mon Fri: 08:00-16:00 US Naval Hospital, Naples, 2nd Floor
Tue 08:00-12:00

Telephone numbers:

081-811-6000; DSN 629-6000
081-811-6386; DSN 629-6386

Central Appointment Line
(081) 811-6000 (DSN 629-6000)

Nurse Advice Line
1-800-TRICARE, option #1

USNH Naples Emergency Department
Ospedale Marina USA 
Via Contrada Boscariello
Gricignano di Aversa (CE) 81030 
24 HRS

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!