Health Services

TRICARE Overseas Program
Eurasia-Africa +44-20-8762-8384 (OCONUS) or 1-877-678-1207 (Stateside)

  1. What type of TRICARE coverage is available for ADSM and ADFM in Naples, Italy?
    1. Service members and families included on orders are enrolled in (TOP) TRICARE Overseas Prime and assigned a PCM (patient care manager) to ensure continuity of care
  2. What steps are necessary to enroll in the TRICARE Overseas Program?
    1. Complete the enrollment form in orientation, provide a copy of orders with dependents to be enrolled during AO TRICARE session or visit the office on SS USNH Naples RM 2019
  3. What region are ADSM and families enrolled in for those stationed in Naples or JFC NATO?
    1. Eurasia-Africa region +44 20-8762-8384 for assistance or 1-877-678-1207
  4. How do the ADSM/ADFMs assigned to Gaeta or Mt. Whitney enroll in TRICARE?
    1. Enrollment is done over the phone by regional offices +44 20-8762-8384 for those families, however the TRICARE staff at the USNH Naples can register service members and families in room 2019 to be able to make appointments for care
  5. Are specialists available for ADSM and ADFM at USNH Naples?
    1. All patients enrolled in TRICARE Prime must visit their PCM first.  The PCM will refer patients who needs specialty care to the appropriate provider.  Some specialists are part of the care team at USNH Naples, others travel to Naples to see patients scheduled for appointments.   In some cases specialty care is provided in the local economy.
  6. Are ADSM and families covered by TRICARE when traveling outside of Naples or back to the US?
    1. ADSM/ADFMs are covered under their TRICARE Eurasia-Africa enrollment during travel.  ADSM and families can use a MTF (military treatment facility) or they can contact TRICARE to enquire about options for urgent care when outside of their duty area. 
  7. Is TRICARE accepted in Europe outside of the base facilities aka (MTF) military treatment facility?
    1. Some services are available, however payment maybe required at the site of care.  ADSM/ADFM must retain copies of any invoices for care and payment method to be able to file a claim and obtain reimbursement for covered benefits.  ALWAYS contact the TRICARE Eurasia-Africa office to notify of any care received outside of a duty station
  8. How are new spouses or newborn babies enrolled in the TRICARE Overseas Program?
    1. ADSM with family changes must go the PSD office at CAPO to make any changes.  New family members are enrolled into TRICARE Select automatically when entered into DEERS. Command sponsorship is required to enroll into TRICARE Prime for new spouses that were not part of original orders.  ADSM can seek help with their command for assistance with obtaining a command sponsorship letter.  Newborns can be enrolled into Prime in the TRICARE office (Room 219) after they have been placed into DEERS. 
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!