Health Services


Description of Services

Provide diagnostic imaging and interpretation services to support the needs of the inpatient and outpatient departments and clinics belonging to US Naval Hospital, Naples as well as our NATO allies. Provide interpretation services for routine x-rays, and special studies such as CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, Fluoroscopic exams and Mammography.


Routine requests for X-ray do not require an appointment. Special studies such as Mammography, Ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, and Fluoroscopic examinations, require an appointment through the Radiology Department at DSN 629-6168, Comm 081-811-6168. Highly specialized examinations and Nuclear Medicine studies are performed on the local economy and are arranged by your primary care provider through the Managed Care department.

You will receive preparation instructions when you schedule exams with our department.

Contact Us


US Naval Hospital, Naples, Ground Floor

Clinic Hours:

Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 16:00 

Telephone Number:
Comm. 081-811-6168

Central Appointment Line
(081) 811-6000 (DSN 629-6000)

Nurse Advice Line
1-800-TRICARE, option #1

USNH Naples Emergency Department
Ospedale Marina USA 
Via Contrada Boscariello
Gricignano di Aversa (CE) 81030 
24 HRS

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